Law Union 2007 Annual General Meeting

The Law Union’s 2007 AGM will be held on Thursday, November 1st 2007 from 6:30-8:00pm.

Friend’s Meeting House
60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto

Meeting to be followed by a social event with food, drinks, and kindred spirits at a nearby member’s house.

Among other things, in the first part of the meeting,

*The current Steering Committee will give a report on this past year’s activities, as well as exciting new projects planned for the coming year.

*The AGM will also see the launch of the long-awaited but well-worth-the-wait new LUO web-site

*Elections will be held for the new Steering Committee


Steering Committee members run Law Union Activities. We oversee administration and operation of the Law Union, and determine the organization’s direction. In the past, Steering Committee members have worked with other volunteers to put together our annual conferences, bring in speakers, publish our newsletter (more on this at the AGM.)

The Steering Committee will meet on the third Thursday of every month, in the evening. All Steering Committee members are required to attend.


The projects committee organizes and delivers much of the Law Union’s content. The particular topics that the Committee works on, be they immigration, policing, international law, securities, criminal justice, equality rights, etc., depend on the members’ personal interests, current news, and the memberships’ interests. The annual conference has been a mainstay of the organization for many years, but we have also brought in speakers, put together guidebooks for activists, made submissions to various levels of government, acted as intervenors in court cases, and so on.

In the past, the Projects Committee and the Steering Committee have often had joint or back to back meetings. This year, the Projects Committee will meet on the first Thursday of every month, in the evening.

Any Law Union member may join the Projects’ Sub-Committee. Steering Committee members have traditionally devoted much time to the Law Union’s projects and will continue to do so.

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